QPad Text Editor
Open multi-gigabyte files in a blink and enjoy your auto-completion

QPad v3.0 beta, Windows 32-bit(new)

QPad v3.0 beta, Windows 64-bit(new)

QPad v2.0, Windows 32-bit

QPad v2.0, Windows 64-bit

If you see a blank window after opening qpad, try unpacking the corresponding LLVMpipe package alongside qpad.exe:

LLVMpipe, Windows 32-bit

LLVMpipe, Windows 64-bit

More features

Search in history

QPad has an address bar which you can call up using ALT+Q. Just like in a browser, you can type in the bar to search for previously opened files.

If you want QPad to forget about a top-secret document, just type its name and click the little cross in the address bar drop-down list.

Quick note

QPad lets you keep some quick notes. Pressing ALT+N to activate.

Open existing projects

QPad can open git/svn repositories and Visual Studio projects. Once you open a project, you can search for project files in the address bar and symbol definitions would be more accurate.

Each project remembers a separate set of windows and keeps a different set of quick notes.


QPad allows most hotkeys to be configured using an intuitive GUI.

The color theme can be customized by editing a simple XML file, with real-time feedback.

Summarized Find

As you type in the CTRL+F box, QPad shows a highlighted list of all found matches in a drop-down list.

You can browse through all your printf lines, and spot the commented-out ones with a single glance.

Window splitting

In QPad you can split windows by simply dragging captions around.

If you want to concentrate on your current window, just press ESC and everything else gets minimized. Another ESC gets them back.

CJK Friendly

Tired of fiddling with encoding issues? QPad automatically detects GBK, Shift-JIS, Latin1 and UTF-8 encodings. You'll see much less garbled mess than in Notepad.

QQ group for Chinese users: 107190854